Set your options

Drag and drop into position 1 the image you want to remain on view. Delete any you don't want to feature in the animation and then drag and drop the rest into the order you want them to appear.

Once set as you want, hit the generate button for your settings to take effect

Text Line 1:
Text Line 2:

Text option: Top Bottom Top and Bottom None

Choose font:

lorem ipsum sample text to see chosen font in action

Font size option: Auto Small Medium Large

Nifty Image Animator for WebSites
Get your bookmarklet here!

The Nima-WS Bookmarklet

You use it on a web site page to let you select images for your animation. To get your bookmarklet see below and drag its underlined word (Nima-WS) to your bookmarks toolbar. When you've done that, you're ready-to-go!

After you've gathered the images you want and clicked one of the open animaker buttons, the bookmarklet first grabs from the page:

...and then this Nifty animation maker page opens up with the links to the images and those details passed across. Next, it makes your animation using the template you set in the bookmarklet dialog. You can change things round in the options panel and even add static text.

Using the animation on your social media

This animation maker page gives you everything you need for your social media. Once the animated gif has been made, it's displayed so that you can right-click and save it to your desktop ready for your social media.

(Weirdly, an animation saved this way won't animate if you upload it to a Pinterest pin. See the FAQ for how to put that right by first converting it to an mp4 video.)

You're also given a text box containing the title and description from the page you came from, and the link to it. For Zazzle, the link includes your referral id and a tracking code.
You can edit it if you like before using the provided copy button.

Next you just drag and drop the gif animation from your desktop and drop it into your Facebook or X/Twitter post. When you've done that, paste what you just copied and you're ready to post it. You might want to add a couple of relevant hashtags first.

remember, don't click that link - drag it to your toolbar