Get promoted! Submit your Zazzle store to Nifty

"Nifty is the only set of dedicated Zazzle promoting tools around. Its users number in the triple digits and range from dedicated, affiliate-focused artists to those who just want a quick and easy way to give their Pinterest boards or social media a bit of love." - and that can be you, too! See end.

When you submit your store here, there's two ways for its designs to get promoted via Nifty:

(read the below first)

Taking part in the Nifty Promotion Circle

Before you finalize your submission, please use the following link (opens in a new window) to pin/share/tweet at least 20 items from a previously submitted store (it's chosen at random and is included in the link). Your store's turn will come!

Here's the link to use to promote their designs: (waiting on referral id to be entered)
They're ordered (ie sorted) by best-selling in the last month

Note that the referral id you enter above is used in all your pins/shares/tweets if you pay a Nifty subscription. Otherwise, half the time yours will be used and the other half, ours (50/50 referral sharing).
All links also include a date-stamped tracking code that you'll recognise in your Referral History Report on Zazzle when you're successful in making a referral sale.

see a list of all previously submitted stores
try your first steps with Nifty with this easy-to-follow, 4-click tutorial: Using Nifty for the first time