One of a series of how-to tutorials for using Nifty in real life scenarios

example on Zazzle ShowMe forum
Setting the scene
You’re pottering around on the forum and you end up in the Affiliate Design Requests forum.
It catches your eye that someone’s asking for travel-related designs for their Pinterest vacations board – something you’ve got loads of.
You decide that it would be perfect to let them be able to pin your eye-catching slideshow in just a couple of clicks.
Moving it along
You know with Nifty you can make the slideshow in an instant. So you:
- pull up Nifty and set it to pull up your travel postcards
- set it to request the most popular 30 (or more)
- choose to make a slideshow sharer page in Step 2 of Nifty
- give it a good title and a tracking code
- click the button to make your bbcode
- copy it and paste into your reply to their request on the forum
Around a minute and you’re done!
Here it is in screenshots. (ok, I confess, I did it with business cards, but there you go, hehe!)

With a little practise, the whole lot can be done well within a minute.