Latest updates to NiftyGridZPro plugin

In the latest upgrade, there were some issues when using some of the advanced shortcode settings. They arose when using the shortcode options allow_interaction=1 and show_grid_navigation=1 and you were looking at multiple blog posts on a page.

The system got its knickers in a twist and the wrong product grid ended up responding to a visitor’s interaction on another.

All sorted now.

Just a reminder –

  • you can’t allow product grid interaction in a sidebar widget
  • you can only use one grid per post / page if you’re allowing interaction

The reason for these limitations is that the plugin uses the post / page id to recognise interaction is happening on the included product grid.

For widgets, they don’t have such an id so targeting the grid for interaction in a widget isn’t possible. You can still use a product grid in a widget, just not with interaction. Check out the sidebar on the left.

If you’re not sure what interaction is all about, check out the navigation and search form on this product grid:

<1 of 14>
<1 of 14>
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New design for lawyers specializing in female clients

This is an example of a blog post that pulls its products from a Zazzle collection. The NiftyGridZPro plugin was used to create the grid shown.

I’ve spent the last day working on a clean, simple design for office gear for attorneys / lawyers. I wanted to make the design specific to lawyers who specialize in providing services to women clients.
What do you think?

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