![NiftyGridZPro faux product box](http://niftytoolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ngp-product-box-880x661-300x248.png)
Get your premium NiftyGridZPro plugin license here and find out how to install and use it to showcase and earn from Zazzle products.
V3.6 released – now with Buy Now buttons
There are two versions to choose from:
- Premium NiftyGridZPro Forever License for a $90 one-off payment
- Premium NiftyGridZPro Promoter Program Forever License for a $150 one-off payment
Find out all about the NiftygridZ Pro plugin
Buy and install your $90 Premium NiftyGridZPro forever-license today
With this version, all links use your referral (associate) id, so you get any arising referral commission – and it’s only $90 for your forever license.
And, what’s really cool – any posts / pages you’ve already made with the free version of NiftyGridZPro will all use your referral id instead of ours, right away!
How to buy your $90 Forever-License
Just send us an email using the address described below and use Buy a Premium NiftyGridZPro Forever License as the subject.
We’ll reply with a Paypal payment request. Once we get notification of payment, we’ll email you the plugin zipfile for you to install.
If you’re upgrading, remember to save your fallback folder before installing it!
Terms and Conditions
Large proportions of the plugin code are copyright and may not be copied without permission.
A single license will cover all the sites you own, however each of your clients, if you have any, will need their own license if NiftyGrizPro is used on their site(s).
Buy and install your $150 Premium NiftyGridZPro Promoter Program forever-license today
With this version, all links for products from stores that are in your Zazzle Promoter Program will be ‘clean‘. By ‘clean’ we mean that they won’t include a referral id / tracking code.
All other products will use standard affiliate links, ie with your referral id and the tracking code you set up for them.
For this to take effect, you set up the stores that are in your Zazzle Promoter Program in the plugin settings page.
And, what’s really cool – any posts / pages you’ve already made with earlier versions of NiftyGridZPro will follow these rules right away!
If you already have a forever-license you can upgrade to the Promoter Program version for $60. Just let us know you’re upgrading in your email (see below).
Terms and Conditions
Large proportions of the plugin code are copyright and may not be copied without permission.
A single Promoter Program Forever License will cover the single WordPress site you tell us about when buying your license.
How to buy your $150 Promoter Program Forever-License
Just send us an email using the address described below and use Buy a Premium NiftyGridZPro Promoter Program Forever License as the subject. Include in your email a link to the WordPress site you want the license to be activated for and we’ll do the rest.
We’ll reply with a Paypal payment request. Once we get notification of payment, we’ll email you the plugin zipfile for you to install.
If you’re upgrading, remember to save your fallback folder before installing it!
Email address to use
What you need to do is to highton put together the two unusual words in this paragraph ridley, separate them with a dot and add @gmail.com to the end.
Installation is straightforward and uses the same steps as for the free version. If you’ve already installed the free version, you’ll need to deactivate it first before installing your licensed version.
One final thing – in your own time
You may have read about NiftyGridZPro’s fallback grids. The one in the file you specify (or the default if you don’t) is displayed when Zazzle’s RSS feed is down.
The ones supplied use our associate (aka referral) id. You’ll want to make one or more that use yours. Find out how to in the video tutorial here: Making, uploading and testing a fallback grid file
Find out more about fallback files in the FAQ, here: How do I make fallback grid files and where do I put them?