Halloween Invitations

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  • Invitation


    price: $2.09
    Adult Halloween Party Vintage Gothic Skull Invitation All designs are © PIXEL PERFECTION PARTY LTD
    Design: PixelPerfectionParty

    keywords: halloween party, halloween costume party, annual halloween party, costumes and c...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.98
    Celebrate Halloween in style this year with these trendy pumpkin carving invitations. The design is easy to personalize ...
    Design: Invitation_Republic

    keywords: halloween, fall celebration, harvest party, costume party, jack o'lantern, p...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.98
    This spooky-fun invitation features a witch, Dracula, a devil, mummy, Frankenstein, skeleton, and pumpkin kid. The words...
    Design: invitationstop

    keywords: halloween party, kids halloween party, children, costume party, cute, witch drac...
  • Invitation


    price: $2.09
    Adult Halloween Party Vintage Gothic Skull Invitation All designs are © PIXEL PERFECTION PARTY LTD
    Design: PixelPerfectionParty

    keywords: halloween party, halloween costume party, annual halloween party, costumes and c...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.90
    Adorable cute Boo Halloween illustrations kids party, perfect Halloween party, with cute illustrations featuring ghosts ...
    Design: girly_trend

    keywords: halloween party, ghost baby shower, cute watercolor illustration, adorable ghost...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.90
    Elegant adult halloween party invitation, featuring a rustic chalkboard background, a vintage skull adorned with blue wa...
    Design: SmokeyOaky

    keywords: halloween party, gothic, vintage, adult, elegant, skeletons, skulls, black, spoo...
  • Invitation


    price: $2.09
    Invite your spooktacular party quest to your Halloween birthday party with our fun Boo! Halloween birthday party invitat...
    Design: moodthology

    keywords: fun halloween pattern, spooky, girly halloween, pink pumpkins, orange pumpkins, ...
  • Click to see current money-off coupons
  • Invitation


    price: $1.90
    These modern typography invitations set the tone for a spooktacularly fun adult Halloween cocktail party! Invitation fea...
    Design: Plush_Paper

    keywords: halloween party, boos and booze, funny, adult, ghost, quote, typography, black a...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.90
    Adorable cute Boo Halloween illustrations kids party, perfect Halloween party on pastel blush pink, with cute illustrati...
    Design: girly_trend

    keywords: halloween party, ghost baby shower, cute watercolor illustration, adorable ghost...
  • Invitation


    price: $1.73
    Featuring a cute smiling spider topping the words "Trick or Treat" in cute dotted font in orange green an purp...
    Design: Citronellapaper

    keywords: halloween bash, neighborhood trick or treating, horror movies night party, typog...
  • Foil Invitation

    Foil Invitation

    price: $2.80
    This fun Cottagecore Halloween design features real foil gold accents and was created using my original mixed media art ...
    Design: MelroseOriginals

    keywords: adult halloween party, cottagecore gothic, dark acadamia, skull with gold crown,...
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Embedding Nifty-generated pages in your WordPress, Blogger or Weebly blogs

Here’s a slideshow of some Mother’s Day gifts and cards from Zazzle. It was made in Nifty and then embedded in an iframe here. Also works on Blogger and Weebly blogs (click for examples). See the end for the code used.

Note that you need a self-hosted WordPress site. You can’t do this on the free wordpress.com ones because they don’t allow iframes, as used in this technique.

See the code by clicking the button

Note that

  • for Weebly, a width of 98% works best
  • for Society6 slideshows, use a height of 1050
  • for Zazzle slideshows, use a height of 1100

Here’s a Nifty Society6 embedded slideshow so you can compare to Nifty’s Zazzle slideshow above:

Again, tap/click the button to see the code.

Getting your slot messages ready for Christmas

Now is the time to prepare your slot messaging for the holiday season. At the time of writing, I’ve used only one slot message, an animated gif from giphy.com of a christmas tree with snow falling. I’ve also got a Google ad set to show part of the time, so you might see that instead.

You might want to set up a number of slot messages, each with a different creative to showcase what’s important to you. The point is, now’s the time to do it!

Search Zazzle market place for:
How many to get (max 120):

Here’s the shortcode I used for the above grid:

[niftygridzpro title_font_size="11px" title_alignment="center" cell_max_width="190px" cell_border_color="#888888" cell_background_color="#DDDDDD" cell_font_color="#333333" cell_vlink_color="#666666" description_font_size="10px" description_alignment="center" description_length="0" include_product_names_in_titles=1 use_only_product_names_in_titles=0 include_by_line=0 include_tags_line=0 include_price_line=1 product_grid_nav_font_size="20px" fallback_filename="default-fallback-grid.html" grid_sort_method="pulledorder" associate_id="238582202591969585" store_or_collection="collections/119076182750895596" page_size="12" product_background_color="ffffff" tracking_code="ngrdzwp_xmas_ready" use_local_zsite=0 allow_interaction=1 show_visitor_search_form=1 ]

Example of the V3.5 feature: paragraph embedded grids

V3.5 of NiftyGridZPro introduced a new feature for embedding product grids into paragraphs. The shortcode option that controls it is:

  • paragraph_embed=”L”
    the product grid will be on the left with following paragraphs wrapped around on the right of it
  • paragraph_embed=”R”
    the opposite of the above
  • paragraph_embed=0
    no embedding happens and is the default if the option isn’t used

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This is the new feature in action. You can embed the grid on the right, as in this example, or on the left if you prefer.

It’s perfect for small grids to illustrate the subject of the paragraph. If it’s taller than the paragraph, then the following paragraphs will squeeze up as well.

If you’re familiar with html styles, it uses a float left or right, depending on which you choose for the paragraph embed. Other styling it uses:

  • The maximum width for the embedded grid is set to 50% of the available width
    this is so everything will look good on mobile / tablet as well as on desktop / laptop
  • There’s a 6px margin between the edge of the grid and the paragraph text
  • The 1px border surrounding the grid takes its color from the cell border color
  • There’s 5px padding between the border and the grid

When using the paragraph embed feature, if you’re showing grid navigation, it’ll be centered as shown.


The shortcode used for the above product grid is:

[niftygridzpro use_only_product_names_in_titles=1 title_font_size="12px" cell_max_width="120px" cell_border_color="#aaaaaa" cell_background_color="#ffffff" cell_font_color="#333333" description_length="0" store_or_collection="hightonridley" search_term="law" page_size="4" product_background_color="#ffffff" allow_interaction=1 show_visitor_search_form=0 tracking_code="ngrdz_blg_pplr_pembd_exmpl" use_message_slot=0 product_grid_nav_font_size="14px" paragraph_embed="R"]

Only product grids with fewer than 10 products in them are eligible for the local domains feature. This is because, behind the scenes, NiftyGridZPro has to make a request for each product to check its availability and this takes time. Too much time to be good for your site if you have lots and lots of products in your grids, hence the imposed limit.

Lawyer fob watches, contemporary but classic

Beautiful fob watches for the lawyer and other legal professionals. Personalize just by typing – so easy, even an attorney at law can do it! What will your name look like?

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What’s your Lawyer Style?

Classic yet contemporary design with color schemes to suit both your courtroom and day-to-day personality. Classic because they use a roman-numeral watch face, contemporary because of the metallic-look radial background in right-up-to-the-minute colors:

  • Lilac for strength and determination
  • Rose Gold for an assertive yet feminine touch
  • Ice Blue for the one who keeps cool when the going gets tough
  • Golden for those pillars of the profession
  • Funky cog wheels and gears for letting others glimpse your fun side

Which one suits you most? Just click it and type your name and title in the provided boxes to see what yours looks like – then hit the buy button.

They make great long-service awards and retirement gifts, too. Who in your law office deserves one?

Keep reading to find out more on the product itself.

Product details

The casing is a premium alloy and comes in gold or silver colors. An included 14.5 inch chain to match comes with a hook buckle clasp so you can attach it to your clothing, as is traditional. And it’s got a 3-hand analog Japanese Quartz® movement to ensure precision.

There’s a certain ritual to checking the time on your pocket watch. Done with flair, it can really command respect and experts in “the move” can use it as a way of controlling a meeting or difficult briefing, bringing it back on point.

We all know how important body language is, well this is another accessory to use when the situation demands. If you’re ready to move to expert level, then you need one of these fob watches!