Other Nifty tools

There are a bunch of stand-alone tools / utilities, to make your life as a Zazzler much easier.

Some are there to help you when you’re browsing in your store’s back end, some for when you’re looking at Zazzle’s reports and stats. There’s also a stand-alone promotion tool that’s an alternative to the standard nIFTTTy Scheduler and one to help you improve on Pinterest.

Utilities for your store’s back end

Note that all data is private to you and can’t be got at by anyone but you.

Nifty ZSort

This is a bookmarklet to help you browse your product stats and guide you in where you need to improve or where your successes are, in comparison to others.

You can sort what you see in your store’s back end by any of the standard stats that Zazzle gives. You can go high-low or low-high and you can highlight any stat to make it easy for your eye to pick them out on the page.

Results of the Nifty ZSort bookmarklet
Last viewed date is highlighted and page totals are given

As well as highlighting and totalling, there’s an optional export of the product stats for use in a spreadsheet, if that’s what you want. There’s also a comma-separated list of product ids, for all products shown, that can be used with the nIFTTTy Pid Scheduler.

Get the NiftyZSort bookmarklet from our Razamazazzle blog. Later, we’ll move it here.

Nifty RHP Totalizer

The royalty history page totalizer is a bookmarklet with one job: to add up the figures on whatever page of your royalty history you’re on.

Maybe the simplest and most useful utility of all!

Results of the royalty history totalizer bookmarklet
the results of using the RHP Totalizer on a page in our Royalty History Report

Visit the Nifty RHP Totalizer page to get yours.

ℹ️ Find out more about bookmarklets on Wikipedia.

Stand-alone tools

You’ll maybe want to bookmark these to save you from coming back here for the link each time.

nIFTTTy Pid Scheduler

What’s a Pid?

It’s simple, really. It’s the “product id” part of a product’s link, the 18 digit number at the end. For example, here’s a link to one our products:


So the product id, or pid, is 130492046328703042

Setting your schedule for automatic promotion

However you get hold of a list of product ids, the nIFTTTy Pid Scheduler will automatically promote them down whatever channel (social media, email, pinterest) you choose, according to a schedule you set.

setting up the Pid scheduler
setting up the Pid Scheduler

The schedule you make actually works in conjunction with IFTTT, a free, online sharing service. Find out more in the IFTTT Wikipedia entry.

If you’ve used the standard nIFTTTy scheduler available via the Nifty Promo Control Panel, the pid scheduler should be second nature to you.

Getting a list of pids

You could make a list of pids by hand, copying and pasting them from links you find in your store, other people’s or the Zazzle marketplace. But there’s easier ways…

  • As mentioned above, the NiftyZSort bookmarklet can make a list of Pids from the products on display in your store’s back end.
  • If you want to get a list of pids from other people’s stores or from the marketplace, use the NiftyZPids bookmarklet (towards the bottom of the linked page), made just for that purpose.
the output from the NiftyZPids bookmarklet
the output from the NiftyZPids bookmarklet

Get to any search results page on Zazzle’s main site and hit the bookmarklet button. You’ll be given your list of Pids to paste into the nIFTTTy Pid Scheduler

Pinterest Action Guide


POD Product Stager

This is a tool that lets you easily make graphics showcasing your POD products.

It comes with a bookmarklet that lets you grab the required image urls/links (those ending with .jpg or .png) from your POD store.

It uses templates to make the whole process painless and automatic and you can even make your own templates.

Here’s an example of a perefctly sized and proportioned Pinterest pin made with it from a Redbubble store, as shown in the video above. The images and text were placed automatically, so the only manual action you need to make with the image is to screenshot it.

A screenshot of a pin-sized image made with a template from a Redbubble store
A pin-sized image made with a template from a Redbubble store

And if you don’t like the colour theme of the frames and text, it’s really easy to roll your own theme at the click of a button.

Try it for yourself and make use of the green ? help buttons – all very helpful 🙂