Monogrammed Tartan Fashion and Decor you can easily personalize

English Queen Balmoral Royal Tartan with initials Scarf (Front)
English Queen Balmoral Royal Tartan with initials Scarf
by HightonRidley

This chiffon scarf has customizable text for your monogram initials and features the official Balmoral Royal tartan from 1853. Crown copyright. Source: Scottish Register of Tartans

Available from the HightonRidley store on Zazzle

  • Abercrombie
  • Angus
  • Armstrong
  • Balmoral
  • Barclay
  • Baxter (Buchanan)
  • Birral (Burrel, Birrell)
  • Boyd
  • Brice (Bryce)
  • Bruce

You’ll find so much here to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a gift for someone else or a treat for yourself, this is a great place to start.

And the template monogram you’ll see on each fashion item is easily changed to make it your own.

The following all use the official and authentic tartans – don’t be duped by imitations!

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Use the search above to see gifts and more for your clan tartan.

If you can’t find the product you’re after, you’ll be really pleased to know that you can transfer the design you see to any other product on Zazzle. It’s as easy as clicking a button and choosing to transfer the design.

If you can’t find the specific tartan you’re after, follow this link and search for the one you want.

Your initials on Angus District Ancient tartan Che Checkbook Cover (Open)
Your initials on Angus District Ancient tartan Che Checkbook Cover
by HightonRidley

A stylish checkbook cover with template text for your monogram initials and features the official Angus District Ancient tartan from before 1905. Flourish your checkbook in style and be proud of your Scottish ancestry