Zazzle speed-sharer improved with hashtags made from product tags

screenshot showing the hashtags generated from the product type and the product's first 5 tags

We’ve tweaked the speed sharer so that it offers you hashtags created from the first 5 tags of the product currently on view.

It also tries to extract the product name and make a hashtag out of that. This fails when the designer has added the product name to the title instead of letting Zazzle add it automatically. It also fails for the “Create your own” products that Zazzle provides.

Next planned tweak

We’re still not very happy about the text that is auto-generated at the start of that copy area, so we’ll be looking at improving that next.

Edited to add: That’s done now 🙂

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Mark Ridley is semi-retired and followed a career as a freelance business analyst. He has delivered business requirements resulting in many successful, high-profile projects for the private and public sectors, including the merging of the then Customs & Excise and Inland Revenue Inward Payment Systems into a single integrated system for the new HMRC. He now develops free-to-use online tools for artists and designers, helping them promote their designs on social media.

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