All options NiftyGridzPro Grid

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  • Motivational Words #2 positive encouragement Paper Pad

    Motivational Words #2 positive encouragement Paper Pad

    price: $22.27
    Motivational Words series: Give some positivity! Here's a great design using motivational word-art. Each time you look a...
    Design: HightonRidley

    keywords: motivational words, motivation, motivating, positive thinking, encouragement, po...
  • Motivational Words #2 positive placebo effect Notebook

    Motivational Words #2 positive placebo effect Notebook

    price: $14.05
    Motivational Words series: Use positivity to your advantage! Here's a notebook with a great design using motivational wo...
    Design: HightonRidley

    keywords: motivational words, motivation, motivating, positive thinking, encouragement, po...
  • Motivational Words - Positive Outlook House Flag

    Motivational Words - Positive Outlook House Flag

    price: $54.64
    Motivational Words: Being positive and achieving goals! Here's a great design using motivational word-art, chosen especi...
    Design: HightonRidley

    keywords: motivational words, motivation, positive attitude, encouragement, resolution, po...
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Published by


Mark Ridley is semi-retired and followed a career as a freelance business analyst. He has delivered business requirements resulting in many successful, high-profile projects for the private and public sectors, including the merging of the then Customs & Excise and Inland Revenue Inward Payment Systems into a single integrated system for the new HMRC. He now develops free-to-use online tools for artists and designers, helping them promote their designs on social media.

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