How to: Halloween Party Invitations for Kids

So, Halloween is almost upon us! Now is the time to think about all those kids’ parties being organized right now!

So the question answered for this post is “how do I make a product grid containing just invitations for kids’ halloween parties?”

It’s so easy to do with NiftyGridZPro just use the shortcode builder over on our sister site.

Here’s the grid I created with it and you’ll see that they’re all invitations for halloween parties for kids. Perfect, just what we want. Keep reading to see how I set it up.

<1 of 20+>
<1 of 20+>
Search for:
How many to get (max 120):

…and here’s the shortcode for the grid

[niftygridzpro title_font_size="14px" title_alignment="center" cell_max_width="260px" cell_border_color="#aaaaaa" cell_background_color="#ffffff" cell_font_color="#333333" cell_vlink_color="#666666" description_font_size="12px" description_alignment="center" description_length="0" include_product_names_in_titles=1 include_by_line=1 include_tags_line=0 include_price_line=0 allow_interaction=1 product_grid_nav_font_size="20px" show_visitor_search_form=1 show_grid_navigation=1 fallback_filename="default-fallback-grid.html" grid_sort_method="pulledorder" grid_sort_direction="highlow" associate_id="238582202591969585" search_term="halloween kids" sort_type="popularity" sort_direction="desc" page_size="4" page_number="1" department_id="252145500430512226" product_background_color="ffffff" tracking_code="ngrdzwp_hlwn"]

I had to use the Zazzle Department finder, linked to under the More options->Advanced options in Step 1

screenshot showing the shortcode builder being used
Giving a search term and getting the department number for invites

I chose the display options I wanted and set a few other bits and bobs, copied the code it gave me and pasted it into my post. Done deal! 🙂

That was easy, wasn’t it? See the exact setup I used for it by following this link to the shortcode builder

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Mark Ridley is semi-retired and followed a career as a freelance business analyst. He has delivered business requirements resulting in many successful, high-profile projects for the private and public sectors, including the merging of the then Customs & Excise and Inland Revenue Inward Payment Systems into a single integrated system for the new HMRC. He now develops free-to-use online tools for artists and designers, helping them promote their designs on social media.

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