Featured collections – an upcoming addition to the Nifty Promo Control Panel

the new featured collections pane

We’re really excited about the new featured collections pane we’re working on. It serves two purposes:

  • people who are promoting get some possible sources to work with
  • designers have a way to reach affiliates who might not otherwise see their work

In the image above you can see an entry in the pane. It’s made up of a 240 character (or shorter) description and has a collection image on the right. The image used is one of the landscape ones available via the collection page sharer button.

ℹ️ Here’s a good point to note about the descriptions – they’re targeted at the affiliate and not the end buyer. This means that using the description as-is from the collection is no good, not without modifying the language to aim it at the affiliate first.

To drum up awareness and to get some initial collections to use, we’ve dropped off a race-style competition on the Zazzle forum (Basic ProDesigners and above ony). The first nine to finish will each get one of their collections featured.

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Mark Ridley is semi-retired and followed a career as a freelance business analyst. He has delivered business requirements resulting in many successful, high-profile projects for the private and public sectors, including the merging of the then Customs & Excise and Inland Revenue Inward Payment Systems into a single integrated system for the new HMRC. He now develops free-to-use online tools for artists and designers, helping them promote their designs on social media.

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