
Nifty Page Sharer tweaks

We’ve spent some time improving the slideshow and product grid page sharing tools for Zazzle. The improvements are to do with what gets displayed on social media when you share.

Here’s a comparison of what you get when you share a slideshow on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest:

A slideshow shared on Facebook tap/click to see

how it appears on Twitter tap/click to see

what it looks like on Pinterest tap/click to see

Even though they’re small tweaks, they should help with increasing the engagement you get from your followers. And more engagement means your slideshow will be looked at more, which will give you even more engagement. Win, win, win!

click this to try the slideshow for yourself

Solved: The trouble with Pinning from Zazzle

Zazzle uses its own internal link shortener when you share from product pages. It includes your referral id (as long as you were logged in at the time) BUT no tracking code.

Now that Pinterest doesn’t let you edit links, you can’t add a tracking code after pinning. How do you get round that?

Making sure pins include your tracking code

Seriously, the best thing you can do if you want to do it manually, is to use Nifty’s individual product sharer to pin once or twice a week from your new products.

Your referral id and the tracking code you give will be used on the links. Easy peasy.

Of course, without a subscription, our referral id will be used half the time. This is the 50/50 referral sharing you might have heard about. It’s a very common way to let people try tools without any outlay, making it risk free while still letting people get rewarded for their effort.

How can I make sure I don’t lose out?

The simple solution so you don’t lose out is to Pin twice as many or even more, including pinning the work of other artists you like. It’s extremely fast and easy, so pinning twice as many takes much, much less than half the time.

And that frees you up to get back to creating new designs in a flash 😎

Following this approach will also give your Pinterest a boost. Why? Because Pinterest loves you to pin lots and your followers, clicks and saves/repins will grow even faster as a result.

Keeping your Pinterest in their good books

Of course, you have to interact with Pinterest in other ways to keep your account in their good books. Do this by following others and repin things you like. Crafts and how-to’s are good for this.

Try for yourself to see how easy it is by following this link to Nifty

Simplified licensing for NiftyGridZPro WordPress Plugin

We’ve changed the licensing for our NiftyGridZPro WordPress plugin. There’s now just one license option for the pro version – a forever license.

See Go Premium – Purchase a NiftyGridZPro license for more.

You can still use the entirely free version of course – just remember that it uses the standard 50/50 referral split.

The new version of the Society6 Nifty CPanel is out

There are four major additions to it:

  • Share a slideshow page
  • Share a product grid page
  • Make a QRCode for your product grid page
  • An alternative to collections – search

New promoting methods

try out the QRCode – point your mobile’s camera app at it

The QRCode is a fantastic way of letting potential customers see your products. Simply use the graphic on your flyers, on the back of business cards and on bumper stickers.

The new search

The search you give is passed on directly to Society6 for them to interpret and provide results. So it follows their approach. Examples are:

  • storename: hightonridley, search term: eg popular bath (ie using a department name)
  • storename: hightonridley, search term: eg random laptop-skins (ie using a product name)
  • blank storename, search term: eg new green mugs (i.e. a color name and a product name)
  • blank storename, search term: eg random easter mugs, popular easter chick mugs, random easter bunny mugs

try it for yourself

Featured collections – an upcoming addition to the Nifty Promo Control Panel

the new featured collections pane

We’re really excited about the new featured collections pane we’re working on. It serves two purposes:

  • people who are promoting get some possible sources to work with
  • designers have a way to reach affiliates who might not otherwise see their work

In the image above you can see an entry in the pane. It’s made up of a 240 character (or shorter) description and has a collection image on the right. The image used is one of the landscape ones available via the collection page sharer button.

ℹ️ Here’s a good point to note about the descriptions – they’re targeted at the affiliate and not the end buyer. This means that using the description as-is from the collection is no good, not without modifying the language to aim it at the affiliate first.

To drum up awareness and to get some initial collections to use, we’ve dropped off a race-style competition on the Zazzle forum (Basic ProDesigners and above ony). The first nine to finish will each get one of their collections featured.